Friday, November 26, 2010

12 lbs in 12 weeks (Weeks 11 and 12)

I’ve been sick with a cold these past couple of weeks (the change in the weather here in upstate NY does that to me), which seems to have wreaked havoc with my weight-loss plan:


I don’t really think my weight climbed up this high; it's probably due to drinking tons of water.  I’ll continue to monitor my weight and post updates for the remainder of the year.

I haven’t even hit the gym, since when I get home from work I pretty much check out and just go to bed.  I had pneumonia a couple of times, due to the fact that I simply didn’t take care of myself when I was sick.  These days I put my health first, so that means not going heavy on the dieting or exercise.

All told though, my weight-loss plan wasn’t a total disaster, since I did lower my weight by about 10 lbs, which is nothing to complain about.  I think I’m past the worst of my illness, so starting next week I’ll continue my plan.  I’d like to lose another 4 lbs or so by the end of the year. 

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