Friday, November 26, 2010

12 lbs in 12 weeks (Weeks 11 and 12)

I’ve been sick with a cold these past couple of weeks (the change in the weather here in upstate NY does that to me), which seems to have wreaked havoc with my weight-loss plan:


I don’t really think my weight climbed up this high; it's probably due to drinking tons of water.  I’ll continue to monitor my weight and post updates for the remainder of the year.

I haven’t even hit the gym, since when I get home from work I pretty much check out and just go to bed.  I had pneumonia a couple of times, due to the fact that I simply didn’t take care of myself when I was sick.  These days I put my health first, so that means not going heavy on the dieting or exercise.

All told though, my weight-loss plan wasn’t a total disaster, since I did lower my weight by about 10 lbs, which is nothing to complain about.  I think I’m past the worst of my illness, so starting next week I’ll continue my plan.  I’d like to lose another 4 lbs or so by the end of the year. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

12 lbs in 12 weeks (Week 10)

Another good week: I lost 1/2 lb, which brings me to 1/2 lb under my target weight of 161 lbs.


Note that I consider any week in which I lose weight a “good” week.  Yes, it’s “only” 1/2 lbs, but as long as the trend is downward, then it doesn’t matter much how much weight you actually lose, as long as you’re losing weight.  Take the 1/2 lb and be happy, because you’re still guaranteed to reach your target.  (Yes, you might not reach your target as quickly as you would have liked, but so what.  In a few weeks you’re not going to remember that it took you 13 weeks instead of 12 weeks to reach your goal.)

The weight training is going well too.  I managed 26-27 push-ups, and now use 55 lbs as my base weight for the bench press.  I also have been making progress on the overhead press: I was able to do a few reps of 45 lbs, which is incredible to me, since I’ve been stuck at 30 lbs max for what seems like forever.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

12 lbs in 12 weeks (Week 9)

This post is actually a week late.  I was extremely busy last week, so I simply did have time for blogging.

But no matter: better late than never, as they say.  During Week 9 of my “12 lbs in 12 weeks” challenge, I lost 2 lbs, which put me 1 lb under my target of 162 lbs:


I also hit another milestone last week: I can now do 25 push-ups.  So my weight-training has been working too.